

Here Vext(t) encodes the time-dependent external potential such as the nuclei-electron interaction and the laser field




section II depicts the place of CQA in the current performance evaluation tools landscape and also its integration into the MAQAO [23] tool.

refer to

MSHR hits refer to loads that are waiting on prior in-flight prefetches or demand load requests that are being served by lower-level caches or memory.

elaborates 详细说明,详尽阐述;精心制作(展开说明某细节)

This section elaborates limitations and other aspects of CacheDirector and slice-aware memory management.


dispatch 派遣;发送;迅速处理,迅速办妥(与port类似,可以表示将负载调度到异构单元执行)

PIM allows the CPU to dispatch parts of the application for execution on compute units that are close to DRAM.


retain 保持,保留;保存 (形容某个方法可以保留某个特性的优点)

Our goal is to design a coherence mechanism that maintains the logical behavior of traditional coherence while retaining the large performance benefits of PIM.


delve 钻研,探究

To understand the characteristics of sharing, we delve further into the memory access patterns of the CPU threads and NDA kernels, and we make a second key observation: while CPU threads and NDA kernels share the same data regions, they typically do not collide concurrently on (i.e., simultaneously access) the same cache lines.