breaks the trade-off between (打破了xx之间的trade-off,比如两种技术之间是不可兼得的,需要做权衡,可以说用某方法可以同时得到两者的好处)

Next, we parallelize multicore simulation using the two-phase bound-weave algorithm, which breaks the trade-off between accuracy and scalability.

extract the benefits of

Second, once opportunities for PIM have been identified and PIM architectures have been designed, programmers need a way to extract the benefits of PIM without having to resort to complex programming models.

bridge the gap between … acccuracy and … efficiency

One example is the machinelearning molecular dynamics (MLMD), which aims to bridge the gap between first-principles accuracy and Newtonian MD efficiency [9, 37].

opens the door for

This work opens the door for unprecedentedly large-scale molecular dynamics simulations based on ab initio accuracy

is a key factor in fully utilizing (xxx是让xxx技术得到有效运用的一个关键因素)

Memory access efficiency is a key factor in fully utilizing the computational power of graphics processing units (GPUs).

shows the potential improvements

We believe these results motivate further investigation, as it shows the potential improvements that can be achieved by a slice-aware KVS.

provide a direct link between

To fully understand the information provided by Raman spectroscopy, parameter-free ab initio investigation is essential because it can provide a direct link between atomic structure and spectral features,

is the cornerstone

Analyzing the quality of the code generated by the compiler is the cornerstone to ensure the highest execution efficiency at the core level on a target architecture.

remains to date the method of choice

Among the discretization schemes, the planewave (PW) basis remains to date the method of choice, especially for metallic systems, due to the systematic convergence and computational efficiency afforded by the spectral convergence of the PW basis.

has wide ranging implications on a number of fields

The reported advance in this work has wide ranging implications on a number of fields, including applied physics, chemistry, materials science, and metallurgy.