To make … computationally tractable

In order to make such simulations computationally tractable, most implementations of MD (including those on Anton machines) express the forces among non-bonded atoms as a sum of range-limited forces and long-range forces.

To further investigate the potential

To further investigate the potential benefits of slice-aware memory management, we ran the same experiment for different array sizes while running on multiple cores (see Fig. 7).

To alleviate the burden of 减少xxx方面的繁重工作

To alleviate the burden of manually identifying PIM targets, we develop a systematic toolflow for identifying PIM targets in an application [16, 22–24].

in the face of diminishing returns from 面对xxx带来的收益递减,可以用在介绍异构加速器上

Accelerators offer a way to improve system performance and energy efficiency in the face of diminishing returns from process technology scaling

to circumvent … limitations 脱离xxx的限制

In order to circumvent DRAM scaling limitations, such as refresh due to charge loss, as much as possible, researchers and manufacturers have been developing new memory devices that can store data at much higher densities than the typical density available in existing DRAM manufacturing process technologies.